Hope is Help

Some people think hope will never really help, but Malala Yousafzai had hope and she never let it leave her side through everything she went through. While navigating through unyielding circumstances, Malala had so much hope that after reading her book it makes me want to show people what courage can do for you. When you have faith you can help people through hard times and be the light in dark times.
When you have aspiration people will look for people like you when they are going through troublesome times. For example, if, you have a friend who has problems at home and think it will never get better, during their time of despair, you can tell them to have hope. As a result, it will brighten their day. It might even make them tell other people what hope can do for them.That is why people will look for a person who has hope when they are going through something.
You can always help your family when you are going through complicated times if you have optimism. To illustrate, if you have recently had a family member pass away or something tragic like that you can have hope. Naturally, when people are going through something they are always thinking about how bad it can become,but people who have hope can change that. With anything in life, you can always take a bad situation and think about how good it can become. Like if you had a family member pass away instead of thinking that you are never going to see them again you can think that they are in a better place now. That is how hope can take any bad situation and make it better.
Remember,when you have hope you can be the brightness in dark times,and the kind of person people look for when they are going through hard times so you can give them support. An unknown author once said, “Pain is real but so is hope” Hope is just as strong as whatever you are going through.

Child Labor

I believe that child labor should have never happened. Even though it did they could  have still payed the kids the same amount as the adults. Child labor ruined child hood to some kids, and I don’t think that’s fair.

Supreme Court Justice project

I would like  to work in the judicial branch and be a supreme court justice,because they are the final judges in things that involve laws of congress. Their choice cannot be changed. Although, the power is limited by the other  branches. It would make me feel good  if the president nominates you, because you would know he respects you and thinks you have the strength to do the job.  This job is different from all the other roles in government. they receive about 7,000 petitions a year and is in control of almost all of the cases they hear. They also discuss any that are recommended. They look very carefully at what lower courts have said before making a decision.  Those are some reasons I would like this job.